Automating Payloads & Delivery with Metasploit

In this content I have tried the following commands and looked for vulnerabilities.

$ sudo nmap -sS -sV --script vuln <IP>
$ rpcclient -U "htb-student" <IP>
$ smbclient -L //<IP> -U htb-student

However, nothing is found…

  1. What command language interpreter is used to establish a system shell session with the target?
  2. Exploit the target using what you’ve learned in this section, then submit the name of the file located in htb-student’s Documents folder. (Format: filename.extension)

Any tips on how to solve these problems?

(I got help on Discord, Thanks).
I got my answers by reading the content of this academy thoroughly!

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Hi, I have completed the first question, but I am still stuck on the second one. I used Metasploit to obtain the system shell, but I cannot locate the “Documents” folder. I have tried commands like “dir” and “dir /a,” which displayed several directories and files, but I still cannot find the “Documents” folder. Could you let me know if I missed something?

I have solved the problem by getting tips from ChatGPT. Thanks to its timely responses.

For the second problem, you need to go to the documentation directory under the htb-student user’s directory in the system-level shell.

I used Metasploit to obtain the system shell, but I cannot locate the “Documents” folder. I have tried commands like “d r ” and “d r /a,” which displayed several directories and files, but I still cannot find the “Documents” folder. Could you let me know if I missed something. Regards :typing test

Hello. I’m stuck at the same place.What commant did you use to find the documents folder?

If you have the shell, you can use the same commands you would use navigating around windows using a command prompt.

Hi, I have completed the first question, but I am still stuck on the second one. I used Metasploit to obtain the system shell, but I cannot locate the “Documents” folder. I have tried commands like “dir” and “dir /a,” which displayed several directories and files, but I still cannot find the “Documents” folder. Could you let me know if I missed something I used Metasploit to obtain the system shell, but I cannot locate the “Documents” folder. I have tried commands like “d r ” and “d r /a,” which displayed several directories and files, but I still cannot find the “Documents” folder. Could you let me know if I missed something.

Hello! Everything is simple here, you need to do everything that was in this section
search smb
use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
set all parameters LHOST, RHOST , SMBPass, SMBUser, SHARE
and then search file in C:\User\htb-student\Documents


tnks i didnt set the LHOST jajajajaj

Once you have a shell use following command.
cd C:
From here you will find the users directory and can navigate to get the answer.