Sent you a PMā¦ I can most likely do the webshell, but looking for another method that is more in line with the modules in this courseā¦ a service. Thanks for any help. Stuck on this one.
Can someone give me some advice, I have entered mysql with the credentials f*** and the pass 9***, but within it I understand that I must upload a file, or how can I do it, I need some advice I am stuck.
I have access to the db and am executing a search for a file containing the term flag via my reverse shell like this
The command shows me an empty page when calling it via browser. When running the simple dir command within the directoy I see some folders but nothing cotaining the flag.txt.
I used to solve it by uploading a shell like demonstrated in Attacking SQL Databases and executing my shell commands via curl by just passing the parameters like this:
Remember that it is not necessary to load a webshell, as it is very complicated by certain restrictions. I recommend using the MySQL query ā> select LOAD_FILE(āPATHā);
You can guess the route, I hope it helps you.
PATH= admin desktop