so i got up to the point where i have to run the webserver and netcat they say they running but when i try use the xp_cmdshell cmd on sql it doesnt do anything
the ip adress is corectly adjusted in file
both webserver and netcat are running in the same folder as my shell.ps1 is located
vpn is up and running
Maybe try reconnecting your mssqlclient (exit, then run again). Could be that it lost its connection somewhere along the way (maybe the machine got reset). At least I think that is what happened to me sometime before. Sadly impacket’s does not seem to report lost connections in any way, as far as I can tell.
the webserver is ok now - - [12/Mar/2021 07:32:26] “GET /shell.ps1 HTTP/1.1” 200 -
but still nothing on netcat
and also got a lot off errors is sql string related
all help is still welcome
well thats was one my issues
maybe another thing to try is restart you machine
and go true the sql part again and then the nc and webserver
andtry it again it worked for me