Apologies if this has been documented elsewhere but I have been unable to find it; is there a schedule of when each active machine is to be placed into retirement?
Don’t know exactly what your comment means ,but as far as retiring boxes are concerned generally the boxes on top of the active machines section get retired;
There are other factors too,like the boxes with highest number of owns or difficulty etc;
U can see the boxes retiring, in the submission section of website(generally after Thursday’s)
I was asking if the active machines are retired on a schedule i.e
June 14th - ‘Help’ will be retired
June 21st - ‘Flujab’ will be retired
And if so where is it.
Help will retire on 8th
Every Saturday a box is retired.
Under the submission section on the main hackthebox page.
Ok thanks!
The short answer is no. Typically the unreleased section will go from 0 → 1 sometime between Wednesday and Friday, and that will show the new box that’s being released Saturday, as well as the one that’s retiring (htb will also tweet it). But there’s no information any further out than that.