ACADEMY: Web Requests - a nudge would be appreciated

Good evening all from the UK.
Stumbled across HTB a fortnight ago and I’m hooked.
However, if my skills matched my enthusiasm - I’d be laughing.

I’ve followed the two Academy modules “Web Requests” and “Javascript Deobfuscation” and successfully ‘cracked into Hack the Box’ - I must admit it was satisfying to say the least.

However there is one question in the Web Requests module that I couldn’t answer - anyone able to offer me and additional nudge?

Its to do with the POST method page, and the question is:
“Login with the credentials guest / guest and try to get to admin.”

I can of course log in, I’m assuming to ‘get to admin’ I am to swap the cookie from the admin login, demonstrated in the tutorial. and send that one rather than the guest one in Burp Suite - which I have done and I am able to get a different’ non-guest user name in the admin screen - but this isn’t the answer the question is looking for…

any pointers?

Oh - I sorted it…

… I was certainly thinking along the right lines in the above question - just had to think a little out of the box to get a ‘admin’ from the cookie…

hi Moe
I couldn’t get around this challenge
any ideas?

The guest cookie logs you in as “guest_xxxxxxx”…

…It would be better if it logged you in as “admin” though :wink:

so just admin
i did it before but as ‘admin_xxxxxx’
how stupid :slight_smile:
thanks man for the clarification
have a nice day

Of course, as soon as I asked the question my brain started working and I was able to figure it out! Cheers!

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Type your comment> @KonstantinS said:

Of course, as soon as I asked the question my brain started working and I was able to figure it out! Cheers!

Can you prompt please, what string is used to answer?

i have tried with burp suite to achieve admin auth
i have two questions
1- when i modify cookie it’s necessary to encode “admin”?
2- when i send from repeater with changed cookie i must be logged in with guest?
thank you in advance to anyone will help me

how you can get the admin cookie?

I have answer welcome admin but the cookie that I use is not the correct answer, so why I get welcome admin? Is there an error in the module?

Type your comment> @pit83 said:

I have answer welcome admin but the cookie that I use is not the correct answer, so why I get welcome admin? Is there an error in the module?

Support answered me only this

Could you please confirm that you have tried without the unnecessary information after the account admin_generated_information as the task is to find a way to escalate to admin from guest.

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Type your comment> @pit83 said:

incredible same answer different result, with me it’s say bad answer I copy this
I suppose it is need spawn new target and try again.
Again encode cookie get flag and sent answer.

Hi Guys,

Trouble understanding the tutorial and getting the flag, this is my understanding from the tutorial:

  1. login users name and password
  2. You get a session cookie associated with that users, in the tutorial its admin:password
  3. You remove the session cookie and try in, it failed as it cannot identify the client
  4. You paste in the session cookie you got above in step 2 and you are logged in

The issue is the session cookie will always be for the user you logged in with. When following the tutorial i’m using the credentials guest:guest and therefore the session cookie is for the guest user.

I’ve tried base64 decode the session cookie for the guest user and changing the name to admin and encoding it again in base64 but all this does is change the name from hello guest_xxxxx to hello admin_xxxx

So what am I not understanding here? As far as I know I need the admin cookie to login or to manipulate the guest cookie in some way to login as admin. As mentioned above the tutorial didn’t make sense as the same cookie issued to the user was just reused unless I’m missing something here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys

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I am having issues with . . . getting from POST to see the
cookie named PHPSESSID through the Set-Cookie header.

In the htb, Web Request module, the question under the POST Method section asks:

"Login with the credentials guest / guest and try to get to admin.

Screen shot on the #fundamental-modules on Discord at Discord

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