
Finally it’s done…

Rooted pm me for help.


I’m still trying to get user. I want to use an exploit but when i run it i’ve got : ImportError: No module named termcolor

Can you guy tell me if i’m on the right path? Is is supposed to be the right exploit?

a little help would be appreciated. thx.

ps: i know it’s a module to install, i want to know is you have that at the beginning of your script.

Wow, I spent ages on the correct vector before moving on. I came back to and realized I just had my code wrong… shameful!
My hint for root:
After following the earlier advice in this forum and listening when another connection is made - the obvious route is the right one.
Notice that you are given specific info in regards to where root executes from.
Otherwise feel free to pm, I check messages at least once a day.

Stucked with the exploit and the TIME variable…can’t figure out what the correct value.


i am stuck in root, i have used pspy as everyone has said, and i have been in and out constantly but i can’t find anything, please send me hints by pm.

ROOTED! In that box I saw how bad I am in Linux privesc …

Thanks @Alexgot and @RawrRadioMouse for the help!

If anyone need hints ping me any time

Got the salt pwd, usr name, password and mail. Please pm to proceed further. Tried few things using hashcat but no luck. Thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:

Hey all - I’ve got user on this machine pretty easily, but stuck on root now. I am running pspy and have tried a few things, but nothing jumps out at me.

Is there something specific to look for in pspy?

rooted, bit thanks to @Alexgot for the nudge when I was feeling blind and crazy!

Type your comment> @Cyb3r3x3r said:

I tried the exploit related to cms to get the creds but after decrypting the hash it doesn’t work on the login at w******/a****. Any Hint?

Same here

@rideit said:
Got the salt pwd, usr name, password and mail. Please pm to proceed further. Tried few things using hashcat but no luck. Thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:

same here

got user level flag , heading towards root :blush:

i can see the thing running when i run psyp64, but i cant edit it.

Trying to root this…
I cant understand what i need to with PATH? Would really appreciate it if someone could pm me the solution to this.

Need help for root , as i am to see multiple process is running S**D. any help will be appreciated. PL DM

So I am spying on things and can see what happens when I make a new connection. I am walking (or run-ing down the path). most of the paths are closed so I can not make my own run. Where I can run and not see, does not seem to do anything. Can I get a push from someone?

Just got root, respected guys helped me out… PM for nudge

PM if there is anyone who root or user other than obvious way, I would like to know other ways.