Ultimatum Sherlock

I’ve been stuck for task7 “What was the value of the $shell variable in the web shell?”, i found the reverse shell code and just copy past the value of $shell. but it shows answer is incorrect. can someone give me a hint?

never mind, just figure it out, try all the possible format…

If somebody can help me, I’m stuck at the same stage.
I’ve tried all the value /bin/bash /bin/sh…

im a newbie i need to solve this sherlock but i dont have any idea can u or somenody tell me how to solve this step-by -step or can u tell me if this sherlock have some walktrough or write up

did u have write up file about this sherlock

i tired even submitting the whole line and it didnt work
is it something with spaces ??

did you get the variable from the actual code?

pay attention to the special characters

Hello, I didn’t found a wu or a walkthrought but ask question and I will help you

From the h*******-c******.php ?

yes from there, get the whole variable dont just guess /bin/bash and /bin/sh

and for the submission, just remove the variable name and the equal sign and submit as it is

I cant find the whole variable , is it in the code or a command?

I don’t find also :frowning:, @sm6r can you give a hint ?

read the file contents, from there you will have your answer
its the $shell variable as mentioned in the question

from that line only remove the “$shell=” an submit the rest as it is

since you found the file the question is already answered no need for hints

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its found in a php file, read its contents and you will have the $shell variable

Yes you right I’ve the answer before, I just don’t put the ' ' inside the box answer… :joy:

wow im trying again and and cant
can I DM?

Yes of course

I’m stuck at Task 6, any hints or methods on how to get it?

I have tried every possibility, but ı cant find the correct shell command. I have tried the command in the file h*******-c******.php. Can someone help me? I have answerd all the questions except the Task 7, dude this command must be holy one