Try running a VHost fuzzing scan on 'academy.htb', and see what other VHosts you get. What other VHosts did you get?

I am trying to submit the solution it hints that the solution should be ‘*.academy.htb’ type. Now I got multiple vhosts I am confused how should I submit the solution. Because I tried submitting it one vhosts at a time and also multiple vhosts seperating with a comma in between. How should I submit?

I ran a fuzzing scan and only received errors, even though I followed all of the instructions. What wordlist did you use?

Its just one vhost. All words in the wordlist are returning 200 OK ! This is expected, as we are simply changing the header while visiting http://academy.htb:PORT/ . So, we know that we will always get 200 OK. So you need to filter your results using the -fs command, after that you you get your result.

Also remember to add ‘ip’ academy.htb to yout /etc/hosts file