
I am in the root part after owning user. I reached the binary folder, and inspected the content there. I know that I have to play around with the command l**s and how does the script call it.

Still not able to access anything on root. My window is not maximized. Can anyone throw a nugget on this? Thanks!

EDIT. Nvm. It was in front of me all the time. Root is easier than user, IMO. Feel free to PM me for hints!

I have problems with this box. I can only write a few commands, and then the box freezes. Other have the same problem ?

For user, is it required to crack the password for i*_r** priv key?

Type your comment> @ph4qd said:

For user, is it required to crack the password for i*_r** priv key?

Wondering that as well, I have cracked the password using John but it does not seem to be working. Any hints or nudges would be greatly appreciated!

Type your comment> @doates12 said:

Type your comment> @ph4qd said:

For user, is it required to crack the password for i*_r** priv key?

Wondering that as well, I have cracked the password using John but it does not seem to be working. Any hints or nudges would be greatly appreciated!

It does work. If youā€™ve got the passphrase used to encrypt the key then you can s** into the box using that key.

stuck on the jou****l part. a nudge would be useful. thanks!
update: found it my self. i found out that my window was too big. lol

I am stuck on user. I cracked the key passphrase but when getting and ā€œinvalid formatā€ when trying to connect and using the cracked passphrase. Anyone else having issues with s**? Can some PM and help me figure out what I may be doing wrong


Ok, this is going to sound crazy but ive been on this for 4 days. Gained a foothold but stuck trying to get user. Read every single response on this thread. Read the nd.c**f and the manual side by side. Went to /~d but dont get any auth option or anything. Can someone please put me out of my misery,PM or anything is acceptable!!! Lol thanks guys/gals

Finally rootedā€¦ evaluate the script a little more carefully (facepalm). Also, I can confirm that I was able to get root without resizing anything. Thankful for this forum and for the one or two nudges to get me going in the right direction :). Big thanks to @jkr this box was fun!

Stuck on getting root. Been working on this box all day. Trying to put the gtfobins piece of the puzzle together but I keep getting dumped back to a user shell. Can anyone point me in the write direction or help me determine what I am doing wrong?

Edited: Rooted! Figured out what I was doing wrong.

hi guys, i m a beginner in these machines and I came across this machine. I am stuck at the beginning itself on how to proceed. I did an half-port scan on all ports but could find only 2 ports open. Can anybody guide me on how to proceed further.
P.S: This is my first machine :). I am guessing this has something to do with SSH, If i am not wrong. But i lack the required knowledge I guess. Any reference to required resources and topics is also much appreciatedā€¦

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
less /root/root.txt
getting user was the hardest part.

looking around, and read all instructions.
good box

Type your comment> @djbrains said:

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
less /root/root.txt
getting user was the hardest part.

Any nudge on root? not familiar with G******s! tried all the possibilities and all lead to user shell!

somebody ruined the machine :frowning:
its broken now.

Rooted this box, finally! took me two days.

initial shell took me about 5 min, that was quick and easy, very straightforward, 1 google search and you will have it.

User shell was not as straight forward - what everybody is saying about something being accessible even through you may not think so is correct, from there you need to figure it out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (CREDS ARE NOT USELESS!)

Root - A lot more straightforward than what you think, see how you can make the script better suit your needs. :wink:



Thanks @djbrains for the hint, and (@GregoryRansom for the copy part)

Edit, tested also without copy, no issues.

Finally rooted!
Only reading comments :slight_smile: Thank you all
Root was really easy but you need to figure out firstā€¦ and I spent a lot of timeā€¦ xD

USER: read carefully the conf file that everybody talks about. You find a username and his home dir right? why is also something else? try to lay with them. they have any sort of relation. Later try to crack and crack. The first password you get cracking the hash is not ssh password or sudo password. it will be used later. First find more things to crack and later u will use that cracked hash. I recommend to see Chainsaw box from Ippsec YT video to understand what you need to crack.

root: just read the .sh file and read doc of the command that is being executed with sudo. Its output is important. Then use GTFOBins to get root. you may need to modify a bit the script to get what you want.

Need a hint for rooting please. I found the bin and read GTFO, but I donā€™t know how to put things together to get execution in root context.