
Spoiler Removed

Very easy but enjoyable nonetheless

And rooted !!!

Fun little box, really enjoyed this easy but interesting ride :slight_smile:

My hints:
FOOTHOLD: OSINT, look about the author’s goto choice in backdoor
USER: The thing lies right in front, just learn the basics and exploit
ROOT: Look at the processes and don’t miss out on your permissions :slight_smile:

Feel free to DM if you are stuck !!!

got user flag, easy

PLEASE stop resetting the box, Just read carefully the html.
No need to reset the box .
After you read carefully ,you will find the answer for the webshell

this box is so laggy and show me the connection time out message everytime :neutral:

Hello All,

I’m working on privilege escalation and found some interesting F***s but did not get any clue. I am stuck. anyone can help me ?

Thanks in Advance

I am doing osint but no progress what to search

Type your comment> @s1lv3rst4r said:

I am doing osint but no progress what to search

Hello mate,

I would like to suggest you to think about all common webshell names .


Really enjoying this box, never touched L** language but keen to learn

I got user.txt and was able to switch between the users ,But seriously people are resetting the box and overwriting things all the time :frowning:

The resets are making this more painful than it needs to be OSINT Bois no resets plz

Yes it is terrible i had to redo everything 1000 times .



It is a really easy one for VIP users. Please use “>>” to stop disturbing others.
Feel free to PM if you want hints. But I think is a box is easy that needs not.

Thanks @Xh4H for this box. THEY seem interesting. =D

fun box :slight_smile:

User1: this is CTF part - look at the source and think , quick googling will give you some options, one should work. Once you are in make yourself comfortable by accessing by the “front door”.
User2: lazy admins leaving messages here and there quick look at what could you run and looking at some syntax for a scripting language(if you are not familiar) will be beneficial.
Root: basic enum should make you aware of whats going on and google will help for an idea how to trigger it.

Sometimes the binary and note that are supposed to be there get deleted by some joker.
If you’re stuck on user you might want to reset the box.

Type your comment> @HumanFlyBzzzz said:

■■■■■■■, that backdoor is so sexy, i’d like to buy it dinner and then take it back to my place :blush:

hahaha :slight_smile:

Very good box, I recommend this for beginners as its very straight forward. I also learnt something new which is a plus… Looking forward to the next box Xh4H!

I guess I’m not very good at OSINT, not getting anywhere. Anyone ping me in the right direction plz

Initial: OSINT and Google will lead the way back

User: Enumerate and look carefully for the clue on the box

Root: Enumerate! A spy will help you, but while you wait you have to be fast.