Smbclient issue no matter what i do

When i try to use smb client, i get this error

smbclient: Can’t load /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it

Im stuck as to what to do next, I just started hackthebox today, and i am following the instructions in startingpoint, any help would be appreciated.

Did you run testparm?

Im a bit embarrassed, but do i just type testparm or do i have to type something else like i am a complete noob at this and im trying the self teaching method by googling my questions.

Ok - this might help with testparm: testparm

However, if you look at the error there might be easier ways to trouble shoot.

It is trying to load something at /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/samba/smb.conf - if you type ls /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/samba/ you can confirm if the path is valid. I suspect it isn’t.

It looks to me like the smbclient app isn’t properly installed but I am not sure how to resolve this.

Just to check - what OS are you running? That looks like an Android file path rather than Kali (I dont know enough about parrot to say)

I am using Termux on my android phone so i can practice away from home if that matters OS wise.

@Fibbo011235 said:

I am using Termux on my android phone so i can practice away from home if that matters OS wise.

Ah ok - there isn’t much I can do to help, it might be down to how it is installed on Android then.

The error message seems to relate to it not being able to access the smb.conf file. I’ve never tried running this via android so I don’t know what it entails. It might be worth looking at Pwnbox instead.

I didn’t even realize this was a thing. Going to download now ■■■■.