
I think the fastest user i own without hints…
Box is lagging…

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im trying to allow my ip on ++ service but seems it aint work…

kudos to @dmw0ng. Nice and easy machine for the Saturday evening.

I got the tunnel working but the cred still won’t work. What am I doing wrong?

The dumb**** who’s loop-resetting the box on EU VIP 23 needs to stop.

The s****** for root is incredibly unstable! Keep getting connection reset.
This can also be seen by the number of user owns vs. the number of root owns!
At the moment 387 user owns and only 85 root owns.

Only 1 in 4 manage to root this very very easy box. That means it’s very unstable!

This box [probably shouldn’t blame the box] is pretty bad… No two nmap scans are the same.

This box is unplayable right now.

Got user, pretty easy really. Now onto root.

got user but cant submit the flag. Will be back tomorrow i guess.

Type your comment> @apalooza said:

got user but cant submit the flag. Will be back tomorrow i guess.

Had the same thing. Flag changes periodically. Try reading it again.

Ya, had to call it quits for the day on the way to root since my connection kept dying. Interesting and easy user though.

oh well im sure itll be better in a day or two.

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Nice machine, i enjoyed more the root part than the user one



  • So they left something to us


  • Follow those steps (the extreme step is not required)

Fun and easy box when you finally get the hang of it. Thanks for this nice machine @dmw0ng. I’m also sure it’ll get more stable over time when less people are attacking it at the same time.

Type your comment> @chronicant said:

I have found an interesting *.ini file and have a user name & encoded(?) password. Any hint on decoding it?

sometimes passwords are just passwords and sometimes you don’t even need a user

I don’t know how but ppl are constantly killing the ++
Is pretty annoying that you have to reset the box just because someone is not able to read and follow the cve.

3 is the Charm…

C:>whoami && hostname
whoami && hostname
nt authority\system