
I need a small nudge for root…
so I have all the various files, got user.txt…
found some interesting things in the incident files.
Also found some articles talking about the compiled file…but struggling to connect the dots…

Update: so after some fighting finally manged to get this resolved :slight_smile: thanks to the ppl assisting :slight_smile:

Got root! message me for help

Hey all! For root part Should I brutforce the magic or just try other ways of execution?
Would highly appreciate a nudge here.

nvm, above is nonsense and i was dumb… rooted! thanks @ompamo, I’ve learned my lessons

hi help move on
I enumerate and found.
twg and pco


there are 2 more but I don’t know what to do.

Why admin interface is soooo slooooowww…?

Rooted !

What a day !

It was hard for user, not that hard for root when you find the right information.
PM if you need help.

On the final step, found a couple of magic words but I’m not sure how to format

Great machine! User took me looong time while root was a matter of minutes (though very interesting). Thanks @ompamo!

Finally rooted, amazing box.
Initial: Enumerate, enumerate, enumerate. Poke at every hole until you break through, then keep Digging.
User: Someone else has left something behind here for you, but the usage isn’t obvious at first.
Root: Check every corner, do some OSINT, and work out what’s different

any hint for root?

Stuck on the s***l.php. Tried fuzzing a parametername with a lot of wordlists. Is this the right way? And if so, then which list should I use?

Type your comment> @g0stm5n said:

Stuck on the s***l.php. Tried fuzzing a parametername with a lot of wordlists. Is this the right way? And if so, then which list should I use?

You are on the right way. Choose a not too small and not too large wordlist among files of the fuzzer’s wordlist directory.

Thanks a lot. Got it now. Choosing the wrong lists cost me half a day…

I really enjoyed this box, thanks a lot @ompamo. I loved the background story and was a bit sad that I couldn’t see all details.

After I managed to get the content of root.txt, I gained root SSH access successfully. Since this process required a little change in the root user’s attributes, I reset the box.

Now I have time to write a little summary.

Enumeration is the key factor to gain full access. There are several fine clues that help you to find vulnerabilities. You should record all little details and analyze them.

First stage: Information gathering

First exploit: nice idea to implement a well-known vulnerability type in an unexpected place. You need to use manual technique instead the usual open-source tool. It can cause problem for people who don’t understand the essence of this attack, but easily solvable if you have basic manual practice in this area.

Second “exploit”: this is an old-school reconnaissance method, based on a configuration vulnerability which is very rare in modern environments, but I met it about 15 years ago.

Second stage: Initial foothold

This phase is based on a very original idea and answer why machine maker chose “Scavenger” as a name of the box. You need to execute a usual web enumeration process and spot some strange thing.

Third exploit: after you find that strange thing, you need to do some fuzzing. If it is successful, you will have limited remote access to the box.

Third stage: More enumeration

This is the typical “cd subdir; ls -la;” loop. Check all directories that you can access, search for sensitive information. After you find that information, it will be obvious what you have to do. If you do it, you will have access a very important data source. Analyze it! You can use Google to find details about those things.

Fourth stage: User access

Fourth exploit: this is a public exploit, which is a module of a well-known penetration testing framework. The execution of this exploit is very slow, and you need to configure a timeout parameter and change the payload to run it successfully. I used this exploit to gain limited remote access in the name of another user.

Fifth stage: Root access

Using the new remote access opportunity, based on enumerated information from the third stage, you can find an important executable. You can download it easily and can execute a basic reverse engineering process to gain “magic” word. If you have that word, you can type only one line of instructions to gain the content of root.txt.

Bonus stage: Unlimited root access

Only two commands are needed to provide root SSH connection to the box. If you execute them, do not forget to reset the machine.

Finally rooted. Thanks to @bumika for his help and @ompamo for this interesting experience.

Really nice box! I learned a ton of new and interesting things.

Enumerated w***s and found everything that needs to be found. Explored the cap like web pages. No idea where to go next.

Type your comment> @unmesh836 said:

Enumerated w***s and found everything that needs to be found. Explored the cap like web pages. No idea where to go next.

You have more d s, which w—s gave up n s for, and there’s another s ervice you can ask… You dig?

Finally rooted!
This one was an enumeration beast. You need to enumerate everyhing.
Do not worry if you can’t get a proper shell, it is not needed.

Need a nudge. I know the magic word, have seen the source and checked the binary used on Scavenger. But how can you use it if you do not have a real tty shell? What cmd are passed to a “shell” in php space does not seem to work for this kind of exploit … or is there some insane shell-fu redirection and fifo? Sooooo close!

Edit: Got root!

Thank you @bumika for the nudge.

Root Hint: Look gift horses in the mouth before making assumptions of worth. It may well be worth making a personal inspection.

Very fun, awesome box. I totally missed what is probably literally one of the oldest hideouts in the history of Unix for quite awhile, missed the breadcrumbs which pointed the way every time I looked. Thanks, @ompamo. :slight_smile: