[Pwn] No Return

What an interesting challenge.
Learned that a certain instruction behaves differently in an error case when inside a virtual machine. Managed to avoid the error and got it to work in the end.

Done & Dusted! A nice and easy challenge coming after doing those Dream Diary Challenges. Thanks to @chirality for a good challenge.


Any hint on this found the jump but nothing, I would like to discuss my idea with anyone if I’m on the right path. PM is fine with me

Learn a lot. Thanks to the creator of this, @chirality

i solved it in a very roundabout way and feel like i’m missing something that would make this easier. if someone would like to share their solutions with me, i’d love to see them

EDIT: seen a writeup now, could’ve been solved much shorter, but i like my way better :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve just don it.
Very interesting challenge, one from the most interesting as for me :slight_smile:
Thanks @chirality for it :slight_smile:

Can someone hit me up with some hints and nudges for this.
I have disassed the entry… and now I feel clueless and helpless :slight_smile:

Wow, such a cool challenge. Learned a lot along the way and the most complex I’ve done yet. I do wonder if I overcomplicated it, but if it works it works :slight_smile:

Hopefully not a spoiler, but Ghidra sort of hid something that was important for my solution, where another disassemblers like Binary Ninja did better.