It was also too complex for me to quickly understand the answer format.
Some steps for execution:
First of all it came to me with an attempt to use applications in WINDOWS. Services
app - it’s a table (knowing the answer, the key is on properties of the service, the path). It seems too simple and at that time impossible to get:
What was confusing at that time, needed service is located in “Extended” and “Standard” sort types.
Windows PowerShell:
Of course, without a Google & ChatGPT to get a correct command is no chance for the beginner. But I knew that here, as always, must be the request command:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object { $_.PathName -match "Update" } | Select-Object -Property Name, PathName
As a result, we have three answers. The last attempt was to add the extension.
It works for me
Thinking logically, it is possible to find the answer: A service full name is name with extension name .exe