Please, Don't Share - crypto challenge

Pfew, tough challenge, overlooked the simple things, and started with complex stuff…
A little hint on the ‘3rd’ column, it is only divisible by itself and by 1 :wink:

pm me if you need a nudge

Oh boy, that was quite something!
If you’re (like me) just using the last part of the second field, try to look up what exactly an IP address is (what data structure) and how it is represented.

Feel free to PM if you need a pointer :wink:

Someone can give me a hint? Please PM

The final step for me was to take into consideration the second column.
“It is unlogical but it is CTF”.


Learnt a few things today :slight_smile:

Happy to help is anyone needs a hint.

I do it together with few people here. I learned some new things about python cus i can do few elements via python cli.
PM me if you wanna help/hint :slight_smile:

Got it!

PM if you need a nudge :smile:

Type your comment

Done. Thanks to @itssamlol for help.

PM if you need help.

Nice challenge. Done it today, while attending a reversing conference, during the breaks. Absolutely NOT difficult, once you know which algorithm is involved (all you need to solve it is already on these posts) and understand, as someone else pointed out, the ‘ingredients’ of the cipher.

As for the kind of “types”, don’t forget how IP addresses are represented in memory … and what a point actually is.


Stuck! Can anyone give me a nudge? :slight_smile:

I decoded > found algorithm > use script > got some values

but Im stuck in this part.

Anyone help ?

Anyway I got it.

I am 100% certain that they’re doing some insane shenanigans here.
There were. DO NOT write your program to decode information. Use what you find online. I hope that isn’t too big of a hint. That was my whole issue. I tried to follow standards.