Password Attacks | Academy

@Cr0nuS may I DM you?

I have a user k…

you need to have user s… to have the flag

you can dm me

OK thanks…back to it then… :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I got s… user, but the mutated list has 90k entries with no duplicate, hydra with only 4 threads is slow, and more over machine changes ip so i can’t restore. Level insane

It seems that the s user is what’s needed for the flag on the mutation section…

Is there a way to speed up the bruteforce since 90+k unique entries is really really boring

Make sure you know which users you’re targeting (enumerate the target), and there’s a policy that will enable you to reduce your list size…

With the user s… and the policy I found [hint: lenght], list has 50k entries. Is it correct? But the target expires and hydra tested less than 5k entries, it’s too slow

I’m at the same stage as you…that sounds correct to me. It just means you have to try other lists and mutations…

For God’s sake, they said to use the lists and the rule attached


In my opinion this is just bad exercise design to state in the description to use the files attached and give no hint as to how to enum sufficiently to reduce complexity enough for it to work on a reasonable timescale (max 5-10 min). This isn’t an enum course after all


Yeah I agree…they do assume some prior knowledge…

Please, can anyone provide some hint on Password mutation section?

Been on that about 3 days now…still no further forward really…if you get anywhere with it DM me and I’ll do the same…

What users do you have? (DM me not to give any spoilers)

  • Sirius3000

My way and my hints:

Try to use a tool from impacket to get the user (and some additional information, as well). You hopefully found several services in your scanning phase…

With these information I shrank my muted password list to about 3000. Furthermore, I didn’t brute force ssh but another service to use more threads in hydra (my assumption: user used the same pw for different services).

I disagree. This is a medium course. Knowledge in enum can be presumed.

I would like to know how you narrowed it down that far. I can provide the password. Also these double ranks kind of confuse me (tier and difficulty) but imo I stand by my words yes the user enum is easy enough but I don’t know where you pulled enough info from to narrow it down to 3k. (obviously not in public but private messages)

After doing both easy and medium skills assessments I have to say I didn’t really enjoy the easy skills assessment but the medium one was interesting and now working starting on hard

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