
Type your comment> @ZeWanderer said:

I keeping running the 4****.sh script but I get a non-responsive $ shell. No matter what I type I get no output and a $. I’ve tried to pop a shell from it, but python, nc, and bash shells haven’t worked. Help or a hint as to what I’m doing wrong would be appreciated.

Check the syntax. Make sure you’ve invoked it correctly if you’ve used the one from searchsploit and be patient. The box can become very slow to respond.

I never managed to get a reverse shell this way though - you don’t need it.

Type your comment> @ZeWanderer said:

I keeping running the 4****.sh script but I get a non-responsive $ shell. No matter what I type I get no output and a $. I’ve tried to pop a shell from it, but python, nc, and bash shells haven’t worked. Help or a hint as to what I’m doing wrong would be appreciated.

Try adding a / after the URI part (/something/)

Easy one. Spent a bit too long figuring out where some interesting files where being served. When I turned on my brain I knew where to look and the rest was easy.

Type your comment> @GPLO said:

Easy one. Spent a bit too long figuring out where some interesting files where being served. When I turned on my brain I knew where to look and the rest was easy.

I think this is something I am stuck on.

rooted the intended way now as well, it was a fun easy box, now another week wait for a new one :frowning:

The machine was fun, it took me more time than I am happy to admin, but that’s life.

Few hints that helped me and I didn’t see mentioned.

Foothold: The Google-provided script works well, but to upgrade I had to use a wrapper script to call home.
User: Look at curl options to do what you want without any hassle.
User: You don’t actually need to use the loot, you can just authorize yourself

Type your comment> @mA1nfrAm3r said:

Type your comment> @ZeWanderer said:

I keeping running the 4****.sh script but I get a non-responsive $ shell. No matter what I type I get no output and a $. I’ve tried to pop a shell from it, but python, nc, and bash shells haven’t worked. Help or a hint as to what I’m doing wrong would be appreciated.

Try adding a / after the URI part (/something/)

This worked! Thanks a lot!!

Got shell as jy, spotted il vhost, found interesting group i***l that includes the two users… Any hints for that??? Thanks.

can anyone DM me on how i can upgrade my initial shell, i cant do anything with it atm.

Anyone dm me nudges on root? I already think I went thought G*Bs

Type your comment> @AnIntrovert said:

can anyone DM me on how i can upgrade my initial shell, i cant do anything with it atm.

You may not need to upgrade it. If you can use it to ls and cat then you have enough. It might just be a bit tedious working through various parts of the filesystem, but make sure you have fully explored around where you’ve landed before you move out too far.

Type your comment> @Hylje5000 said:

Anyone dm me nudges on root? I already think I went thought G*Bs

If you enumerate fully you can see what the user account is allowed to do. From here you can quickly find a way to subvert that into a root shell.

Rooted the intended way, I think this box needs some work though looking at the comments… nice beginner-friendly box though.

Could anyone give me a hint please? I’m having trouble understanding the script. I’m just getting a $ and no command execution. I’m also not sure where to begin with manually doing it.

Thank you for your time.

Edit the script to point to where you want to go

Rooted after roughly 6 hours…
I feel very stupid now :smiley:

Spoiler Removed

Oh man, I got the foothold just don’t know where to look from here. Been just “cd” and "ls -a -l"ing through the filesystem with no luck.

Any nudges from anyone?

Edit: WTH? Just elevated to user but Is ji*** suppose to have user.txt??? There is no file in his home directory. Should I reset?

Anyone that can give me a nudge? I just got to the box and got a low privileged shell.

Any tips? I had www-data and one user account within about 30 minutes of this box launching, and been stuck there since…and have yet to see the user flag. Can anyone who’s rooted PM me to chat real quick? I can’t be far.