Official Stylish Discussion

I had the same issue here, how did you sneak UNION after LIMIT?

there is no way to union itā€¦ you will have to think out of the box, insert 256 items and understand that an ascii character is just a number from 0 to 255ā€¦ you can convert the number to ascii characterā€¦ think about itā€¦ LIMIT is your friend to reach limitless possibilities

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donā€™t forget about the automated tool for this kind of thing

which can also be really helpful just for learning, because you can see what payload it uses

Some of the players may face this issue during Docker deployment in our machine Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable

replace this first line in the Dockerfile

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:20-buster-slim

Hi i use font-face and unicode range payload for attack on css but didnā€™t work. Did i miss something. Can someone hint me about css injection

I am not able to figure out the exact injection payload.

My test payload work for
.form-group {
font-family: ā€œattackā€;

But when i change to get approvalToken by using this it failed
.form-group #approvalToken{
font-family: attack;

Can someone tell me that whatā€™s wrong on this payload to get approvalToken

your forgot to enable the display of

,it is disabled