Official Sightless Discussion

sorry i shouldnt write localhost:**** , if i try**** its work ,btw me already completed this machine

Iā€™m stuck on the remote debugging thingy. Can anyone dm me to help?

For people who are struggling with the froxlor thingy

Enumerate the machine ( use linpeas ) , the thing should be highlighted with 95% a PE vector color

Google and learn how it can be abused

Fixing a little mistake

Earlier i told about the port forwarding thingy with SSH , everything was ok except ā€¦

we have to port forward multiple ports for it to work. ( you will know what and why if you properly enumerate the machine and learn how the thing works )

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 -L  xxxx:localhost:xxxx -L <more>.. <user>@sightless.htb

Note : i used localhost instead of admin.sightless.htb. It is just to reduce the length of the command, keeping 8080:admin.sightless.htb and doing the /etc/hosts thing i talked earlier would work just fine

Thank you for all the likes, and sorry for the late reply, i was umm, nevermind =)

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DONE! root was tricky, went down a rabbit hole (or just didnā€™t managed to run the payloadā€¦) but eventually was easy enough via web PHP restart interfaceā€¦
feel free to DM for a nudge!

root flag was insane hard for me


Hi. Somebody knows how used Chrome Remote Debugger for
escalation of privileges? Next topic. The chisel server from a tutorial don`t work.
Please help me.
I have root flag from directory /tmp but i want see how to do it.
When adding ports in chrome I have no connection. Maybe I forwarded the ports wrong. I also canā€™t access Michalā€™s froxlor dashboard.

Donā€™t read if you havenā€™t pwn the machine

I have logged in to the froxlor and reset web1 FTP and found KeePass database I cracked the password that protected the database file and get root password for SSH but the creds were wrong is this a rabbit hole ?

Please note that I have completed the machine

Hi, I also gained admin access to the same service, but struggle to PE from there (if possible). Any hint?

I got root but was trying to figure out why my commands worked intermittently, Iā€™m guessing this was the reason ty.

Im trying inspect devices but remote connection doesnt workā€¦ i get connect failed. Any hint?