Official Precious Discussion

@lorenm210 I don’t know if the path you’re on is a viable one, but the path that worked for me didn’t involve cracking any hashes


“I keep getting “Cannot load remote URL” when trying to input any URL. I’m not looking for hints, but is this normal or an issue with the machine itself?”

I got that sometimes depending on the URL syntax…try giving it different types of URLs


“Hi, I’m stuck on getting user flag, I’m already got reverse shell, but cat command return permission denied. Could you please give a tip, thank you”

Try poking around - you might need to move laterally

Issues with finding the web page. Not sure the issue. I can ping precious.htb and get a response, and ping with a response, but I am never referred to precious.htb in the browser? I put precious.htb in my /etc/hosts file. Anyone else having this issue?

Not sure what the issue was. I flushed my DNS, restarted the box, and re downloaded the OpenVPN pack but nothing worked. I then did the tried and true turning my kali off and on again, and that seemed to fix the issue.

someones DoS’ing it please fix mods

Fantastic easy box. Thanks to @Nauten! Feel free to reach out for help but let me know what you’ve already tried :slight_smile:

Hello guys I’m stuck with the « can’t load the remote URL » i tested in local but don’t works for me…

Guys I tried to set nano file but I didn’t. Can anyone help me this situation?

Rooted, great box! I was a little confused how to get the root shell and honestly think I got lucky. If anyone understands it well and the overall concept please PM me…preferably on discord “fogel#9315” :slight_smile:

Hello, I try to write reverse SHELL in dependencies.yml Why can’t I receive the connection?

I still cant access the web page even when I try to add ip addr and domain name to /etc/host. it just timeout if I do it.

Hi! The right file to add this is /etc/hosts, maybe you missed the “s” in the end!

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I’m up to the code execution on the convert to pdf portion… My webserver works fine, I go to run [Example Domain]curl xget and I get " can not load remote code " and stuck.
I decided to try and press through with the reverse shell
[Example Domain] & reverse shell bash script
and nothing comes up on the listener.

I wouldve preferred asking in private messages so I do have to obscure anything for challenge sake, but the two I messaged have not responded. I’d love some pointers.

@MrZoom - You have the right idea, so just spend some time tweaking your script and confirm port.

As a separate post… I have a feeling somebody has changed the user password from what it should be set to… can anybody confirm?

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The web app doesn’t connect to devices over the internet which may cause that error. Be sure you are hosting a local web server then try to connect

Thank you wery mach i have a reverse shell =)

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PLEASE I have the pass and its not working.
I reset the box and I can confirm someone changed the password.

Hello guys, I have a question after getting root. Why the website will only respond if I put a new line sign after the URL, I was very confused. Even after looking at the source code, I could not figure out why a new line sign will return a PDF. I hope this little question will not spoil anyone’s fun and I really appreciate any response to my question.

Just rooted, straightforward but interesting machine to get some knowledge about Ruby.

However, all the fun was over when I found /bin/bash with suid bit enabled, and a dependencies.yml in henry home dir… I was trying to figure out how to leverage the update_dependencies.rb when I get the both flags almost at the same time, suddenly realized it wasnt the intended path, but the spoiler was done anyway… honestly its annoying, they could just create a copy instead of doing the stuff directly to the bash binary, and use a directory like tmp to create the .yml… or at least remove the breadcrumbs after the sh*t is done… I manage to make the way back and understand why and how to do it myself, but all of you know its not the same feeling.

PD: If you need any hint, feel free to PM me.

I’m using pwnbox and doesn’t work… Is still working this machine?

Hi, I am having some troubles with inserting reverse shell, if someone could help I will be grateful.

This is a great box for beginners. You should be able to get root with the basics of pen testing here. If you’re stuck on what I got stuck on, consider a forensic approach. lol