Official Photobomb Discussion

finally I have to read a writeup to get the flag… But I was so close of the final result.
Just some point I can’t understand, someone can explain to me :

  • Why the simple whoami is not work ? Each time the server respond with code 500.
  • Why nc is not work to make a reverse shell ?

Thank you everyone. Keep hacking

Not sure what you mean by " Why nc is not work to make a reverse shell?" I used a netcat listener, not sure if you mean a netcat listener… The other one, I did not try. I started with a ping request to my machine.

Looking for some guidance in the picture portion. I reviewed all the parameters and don’t see any discrepancies between the options

did you fuzz all the options?

can you dm me the writeup that you used?

should I be using style.css? if so can someone point me in the right direction to use it?

check the form while posting… inspect with burp

inspect photobomb.htm/printer in burp while I’m downloading pictures? I’ve done that a few downloads and didn’t see anything that stuck out.

should I go get smart on anything particular for this right now?

If you download something (while submitting the form), try to use Burp Suite and intercept the POST request. Check what arguments are submitted and how you could use them in your advantage.

My very first root! This one took me way too long, the solution is relatively simple when you’re looking in the right places, but beware of rabbit holes. I probably would have failed without hints from @Nevuer and @Cerv1, many thanks!

DM for help, good luck.

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Precisa de ajuda? Me mande uma mensagem no discord!
You need a help? Send me a message on discord!

User: will-i-am#3081

My first pwned. Technique that used in starting point was helpful for root flag.

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Think about what burp is showing you; how is the request constructed?

If nothing sticks out, is there something you can maybe stick in.…?

Is it possible that there is an article that explains a little how to be able to obtain the user with burpsuite? I’m not saying precisely this box, but maybe some other vulnerability. Perhaps in the acadamey htb there is some module.
I get an idea from the clues they give about using burp and the Post method, but I don’t know exactly how to build it and I don’t want to send dm to get it done, I prefer an article or similar example to get an idea of ​​how I could do it

PM me for help if needed, good luck!

I learned something new for the priv esc. Watch ippsec’s video on how he got root on Admirer.

This Video

Have DMd you for assistance

I have tried for hours to get rev shell. Syntax must be wrong. I’m to the point now where I am following walkthroughs and STILL cannot get the rev shell to go through properly. Something simple is wrong.
I am so frustrated with this machine… Can someone please help me with whatever my mistake is?

im stuck at the same spot you are and im not sure either . there is a surprising lack of information available on this topic in general

figured it out. make sure you re check what type of server it is . also dont forget the first semicolon