Can someone give me a nudge please? I am in a rabbit hole I think
Nabbed the root flag before getting ready for a party I was hosting. I was still ready before my wife.
Tips: Analyse the Bloodhound data. This may look like it leads to a dead-end, but pay attention to the account names. If you don’t already have your head around it, learn about the Certipy tool. Especially the enumeration function.
I don’t think this is an easy box. It was a good one, nonetheless.
Thanks mate! new to the certificate and private key stuff lulz. the user.txt easy but the root was the issue xd
I am stuck here too
I think we all had this issue. I simply Googled the error and got some help. You are probably doing the right thing, but have to change your syntax/command slightly.
finally rooted after hours. honestly the Medium box “Certified” was more straight forward and easier than this one. you have to be quick, sometimes resend commands, and add some additional syntax for ns/dns.
Got error while trying to request certificate: code: 0x8009480f - CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED
Stuck here, anyone can dm me some help?
I think its not an “easy” machine…
Its necessary a race condition to execute it? i read all post and tried already -ns -dns -dc-ip flags with the same error
Did you used certipy te*****e before certipy *** ?
Yes I was using it.
I usually take notes on machines and this morning it worked. Running exactly the same commands I was using yesterday, with the same flags. I simply copied the commands from my notes and now it worked.
Got error while trying to request certificate: code: 0x8009480f - CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED - The Domain Name System (DNS) name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.
I have problem, when I used get to downloaded file from smb. When I trying to opening , I have problem with coding.