Official EscapeTwo Discussion

why no one helping me eee

Where you stuck? May i can help you

bro got sql_svc password what to do next

what you mean?

ok thanks bro this is my first windows machine :sob:

got user flag :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


i need help to do the RCE in sql

bro u donā€™t need rce

please someone can help me to read file?


sequel\administrator :bear:

Need Hint guys, I am stuck at SPN hashes sql_srv. Hashcat cannot crack the password.

Urghā€¦ I am missing this step.

Someone a liiitle hint on root?

any hint on Cracking the sql_srv kerberos 5, etype 23, TGS_Rep hash. I have already tried hashcat and john.

man when you miss the important share and spend your Saturday evening dissecting NTUSER.DAT with trash tools for information that isnā€™t there canā€™t make it up :skull:


haha I also tried to dissect NTUSER.DAT but no luck

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Any nudge for priv esc?


Anyone want to throw a nudge? Stuck on once I gain

ps cmd access to sql**** and am unsure how to progress

Can anyone hint me where i am going wrong. First i check the smb using rose creds and found the NTUSER.DAT on the Default Folder Using SMBClient and I am stuck at here. i also use nxc smb --rid-brute. need only a hint not a spoiler. i cannot even connect usign evil-winrm.