Official Download Discussion

Finally got the user flag.
As @lim8en1 said “Focus on what you can control”.
And thanks to @JimShoes for not making me give up on things which I’ve found.

Let’s see if I can get to the root flag.

For anyone out there looking for hint, everything discussed so far in this forum will guide you, rest is up to you! Goodluck! You are really close, trust me!


How can I sign a cookie?

thanks for @lim8en1 for help me with some steps in this new “anomaly” difficulty type.
Following with hints below:

User: You really can do this part with all are said in forum, for PoC, don’t craft anything so massive or using the template, you just need use what you want to know. For more hints in this part, pink floyd albums will help you.

Root: Not think to much in what you can do with that user, but what he can do for you.


Is the LFI related to phpmyadmin?

Ladies and gentlemen
I’ve successfully Rooted the machine.

For root access, all thanks goes to my simple brain.

Sometimes, the problem which we are dealing with is a feature of life.

I take my leave now. I hope you enjoy. And remember, there is more than one way to get root access.


with a help of him


A really critical individual in my life for few hours.


Is the monster really necessary ? I’ve been able to do it but I still don’t know where this helps.
Is it something related to the last few lines of the main application file ?

Are we supposed to find a .env file ?

Hi! Can someone DM me? I need nudges on foothold :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m trying to brute the secret key for the signature. Is this the right way?


You can find it in source code

can someone help me with the last thing i need to get user? i cant figure it out how to build it. :face_exhaling:

I don’t have the source code yet

then try to get it.
the initial vuln is mentioned several times in this thread.

Yeah I know, LFI. It this the first vulnerability that I’ve found using nmap. But I was’nt able to find where it is, so I thought that I need to alter cookie first. Maybe I was wrong

how to root this?

you need the source code to alter cookie.
check the headers. what is always present in this type of project? find this file first, using it as a start point.

Can someone who get user flag DM me ?