Trying to crack the cookie signature, but does not seem to work.
Yeah no idea where to even start with this one. Like an instant dead end.
first blood ■■■
I tried all the tools that i could think of, plus manual enumeration and i do not have any idea anymore what to try xD
it’s funny to think that can be a plot twist: The machine don’t have any vuln and we are baited
that would actually be hilarious if they did that some time ■■■■
i found 2 vulnerabilities so far
oh my joshSH…
Is this really medium difficulty?
I have an “LFI” that allows to read only read files from the web. So far enumerating the App.js and other paths.
13 hours and still no system own. Oh HTB and their arbitrary difficulty ratings
it’s only been 9 hours
Weird, let this box open overnight and my files are still not deleted…
Did you found already something?
There’s something with the private / non-private I guess
or there’s something with the download_signature…idk how to proceed
This is a pure guessing box? 0 clues what so ever
So no one has rooted this yet???
someone get user
I think there is LFI in file upload (Private) right?
well interesting. only one player rooted it now!