Official Crafty Discussion

Thanks for your references, Finally rooted

You mean RunasCs.exe admin -r ip port ??

RunasCs.exe username password cmd -r 10.10.14.xx:9001

I got the password yesterday; But now not even getting a shell.
Minecraft keeps saying connection refused, Tried restarting machine, tried different vpn servers. But no luck :frowning:

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keep trying, it’ll work eventually… eu release worked for me.

I have the same problem (I changed the exploit to cmd.exe and changed the java paths, but it didn’t help), maybe java must be in the right version

You got DC bro?

There’s a YouTube video by John Hammond exploiting this take a look at it if you get stuck and need a hurdle.

don’t change the java path, java 8 should be inside the same folder as the exploit, and be named the same mentioned in the exploit… download the java from here

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Yes Eu release worked for me too. I got the password by using that vpn server, But now Eu release isnt even showing. Only free servers only :((

don’t you have the old eu release file saved?

I am unable to connect to minecraft server, I installed TLauncher and was using Fabric v1.16.5 and I see everyone reporting about the connection time out, anyone who is facing this issue and got a way to get in???

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Can I know how to get a private instance of the machine?

add in-game server (ip:port)

Ok I give up

can’t connect to the Minecraft server… :expressionless:
Machine has been reset few times, the same

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me too bro, they delete Eu release server and i cant connect(. Now to pwn this machine need buy vip

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thanks, it helped

Same, machine has been reset like 5 times in the last hour on the EU VPN and I can never get a connection to the Minecraft server… Super frustrating.


Been like this for the past day, can’t get a connection at all on EU VPN…

Is this machine “pay to play”? If so, my time might be better spent else where