Thanks so much for your help. I worked it out

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As is mentioned in another reply’s, the trick (if you can call it) it’s on the previous section, just before to start the labs, the hard lab it’s solved but keep trying to use all the scenarios mentioned in that section. :slight_smile:

Try to use also other tools explained in the section. After that, wait a few seconds and the flag will appear. Hope this answer will help somebody!

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bro how did you pass medium one ? i mean i am using nc : nc -nvu 53 and it gives me nothing, nmap doesnt help as well with NSE script, correct me what am i doing wrong?

Hey man, trying to solve the Medium Lab last 5 days and unable to solve. Tried every info stated in this post but still didn’t understand the basic yet. Would you please explain in simple way. Appreciate in advanced. Thanks

have you solved it now?

Not yet :frowning:

sudo dig @ version.bind CH TXT
There are always other ways to find the solution

Q; After the configurations are transferred to the system, our client wants to know if it is possible to find out our target’s DNS server version. Submit the DNS server version of the target as the answer.

sudo nmap -sSU -p 53 --script dns-nsid