Much Ebola

^^ This comment :+1: Almost have it done and can only confirm that it is all you need.

I am wondering what is the intended (or the second) way is…

I have solved it, but I do not know what the another method is. If somebody done it using the different approach, can that somebody send me a PM? Thank you in advance.

If you solved the challenge you can find more info here: code-snippets/ebola_challenge_info_[use_flag_for_password].zip at master · Alamot/code-snippets · GitHub

If it hadn’t been for this forum, I would never have guessed to look for that…
Interesting challenge for sure! This is where I would put my “feel free to PM”, but honestly, there’s just not much more to say. Just do frequency analysis.

Just solved this challenge using key.

  • There is two ways to solve this challenge
  • Both approaches require analyzing files content in order to know what you actually got
  • Frequency does a main role in both approaches
  • Using key to decrypt message is way faster and headacheless :slight_smile:

If you’re still lost feel free to send me a PM :wink:

So I solved it both ways. First without the key and then with the key. In my opinion, using the key is so much cleaner and removes a lot of guessing as well as trial and error.

The hardest part about the key approach is knowing how it is encoded. Hint: the encoding of the key has to do with biology.

I have the flag but it’s not acceptable can anyone check it for me

Can anyone help me with the virus I am banging my head against the wall heree guyz

i cant understand

Type your comment> @S7uXN37 said:

If it hadn’t been for this forum, I would never have guessed to look for that…
Interesting challenge for sure! This is where I would put my “feel free to PM”, but honestly, there’s just not much more to say. Just do frequency analysis.


@alamot said:
If you solved the challenge you can find more info here:[use_flag_for_password].zip

i dont know how to use this flag password, the file is password

i have the correct flag, but im guessing some small thing is wrong. can someone who completed it pm me to check what i got wrong?

edit: i got it, never mind :slight_smile:

congratz :smiley:
Ebola was one of the best challenges I did around here. loved it and loved the learning experience.

Type your comment> @aquaman said:

@alamot said:
If you solved the challenge you can find more info here:[use_flag_for_password].zip

i dont know how to use this flag password, the file is password

I decrypted 99% of the FLAG, but it doesn’t work. I think there’s a few characters missing at the beginning. So…thanks to the zip file, it will hack the ZIP file with a series of passwords that I generate and try to enter…hopefully it will work.

Or can someone correct my FLAG?

Type your comment> @SuperLorenz said:

Type your comment> @aquaman said:

@alamot said:
If you solved the challenge you can find more info here:[use_flag_for_password].zip

i dont know how to use this flag password, the file is password

I decrypted 99% of the FLAG, but it doesn’t work. I think there’s a few characters missing at the beginning. So…thanks to the zip file, it will hack the ZIP file with a series of passwords that I generate and try to enter…hopefully it will work.

When you get to the point where you feel you know the flag, try to work out which characters in the flag are not represented in the rest of the text. Then get yourself an idea of if they should be lower/upper case or maybe numbers (1337 speak you know?)

Hope this helps without giving too much :wink:

Thank you

So the flag has missing pieces, you need to guess what the missing values are (which sucks). The last one is not what you think it is (at least that’s what i was getting stuck on).