
I am having extreme difficulty with this box and the shell I spawn not properly issuing commands. I have done the whole python and ctrl+z magic to elevate to fully functional shell then I move onto the next step for p***r and now when I issue a simple command such as ‘ls’ it doesn’t do anything. I have been stuck on this ■■■■ issue for a week now and cant seem to get anywhere. I have tried numerous methods including socat and retrying various shell methods and still run into the same issue.

This is your second shell, isn’t it? Use it to create a third one that can be handled in the usual way.

Rooted @ Thanks zachosk for your help was stuck at root

Rooted …finally… before the box gets retired lol. First time using this specific gtb

@SpicyWeasle said:
I am having extreme difficulty with this box and the shell I spawn not properly issuing commands. I have done the whole python and ctrl+z magic to elevate to fully functional shell then I move onto the next step for p***r and now when I issue a simple command such as ‘ls’ it doesn’t do anything. I have been stuck on this ■■■■ issue for a week now and cant seem to get anywhere. I have tried numerous methods including socat and retrying various shell methods and still run into the same issue.

Try sending your -da shell to another listener on your attacker machine as p**r

Hi, I am a little stuck. I found some creds and they work.
in the webapp is where i am stuck trying to figger uot how to spawn a shell.
pls advice. may a ippsec vid i can look at?

Spoiler Removed

Use Google and find a page that contains one more character…

This was a fun one. First foothold seemed like cheating so I’m looking forward to reading the writeups to see how others did it. Root was tricky but there are quite a few hints that are close to spoilers in this thread.

got root nice box !

Can I solve this without using sqlmap?

Jarvis machine ,
I am in the final step, I can’t get root. Is there any way to get root?

Finally rooted. 5 hours between user and root.

Learned a lot from this box.
Thanks to the creator!

I got the user flag, but I am suffering to get a decent shell to connect to p***** user, anyone available to help?

Just read my comment on 30th October.

I got a low privilege shell using an automatic tool, i tried it doing the same with no tools but i could not do it , how its possible ? pm to answer , ty

Any idea when is Jarvis getting retired?

Very good machine. this machine has many lessons. Thanks for the creator.

first time getting a shell on htb on anywhere… pretty new to this i need help in getting user and root… have been successful with getting a shell connection for this machine…cant open the user file due to permission tried changing permission not working…would really appreciate a helping hand
