Issue with Command Obfuscation Advanced Command Obfuscation


I tried to inject the code that give me the flag , the exercise Find the output of the following command using one of the techniques you learned in this section: find /usr/share/ | grep root | grep mysql | tail -n 1

I can do the “find /usr/share” but when i try imput the | ( pipe command) it doesnt work .

I tried with %7c ( its blocked ) and with <<< ( doesnt work ) .

Im searching in the “cyberspace” ( :smiley: ) and i cant reach the solution.

Somebody can help me , please?

Solved , i have been talking to ChatGPT. ChatGPT give me the idea to break the problem.

First lists all files and redirect to tmp1.txt
Second , grep root tmp1 and redirect to tmp2.txt