Information gathering - web edition

Recently HTB has modified this module and I am stuck on the last question of the Skills Assessment.

“What is the API key the inlanefreight.htb developers will be changing too?”

I have been able to get a possible API KEY that starts with e963…

However it seems not to be the correct answer. Can anyone give me a hint to find the solution? Thanks

After much headache - lol -, I saw the right way. There’s nothing like a little subdomain discovery and the use of scrappy.

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So i have found one virtualhost and the api key
can someone help me at this point please ?..

Yeah i’m very stuck.
I’m using the automated took and scanning for subdomains but im getting nothing!

can you help on this please have been enumerating for hour and just found one virtual host with the api key then enumerated that and everything but won’t progress
can you help me any further please

Remember that enumeration is a recurrent process. Once a virtual host has been found, we should repeat the process on that virtual host.

Then, using a Web Crawlers tool may be a good idea.

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hi @dandyloco I tried to configure /etc/hosts for inlanefreight.htb and then run crawlers, directory enumeration, vhost enum even subdomain enum. None yielded any result, could you please assist me in solving the below challenge.
What is the API key in the hidden admin directory that you have discovered on the target system?

Hello @0xbughunter, maybe the problem is the chosen dictionary. A vhost enumeration with a Seclist DNS dictionary and checking files that give us clues about the existence of others directories, and you should get that API key.

Hey man

I managed to configure the inlanefreight.htb correctly by typing like that
(without the port number) inlanefreight.htb:port number (the one you recevied with the ip target)

It should work for you
Good luck

I also didn’t managed to get the answer.
Still trying, let me know if you managed.
I tried to use FinalRecon, but still didn’t yield any results

running it again now

yup i have configured the same way too.

And you couldn’t connect to the inlanefreight.htb?

This module has been driving me crazy for the past 2 days and I can´t really find a way to enumerate anything!! I have successfully put the ip in the /etc/hosts but anything from there. Any hint?

I could connect but I’m missing something in enumeration

Finally solved it, I kind of used the wrong wordlist :sweat_smile:

@0xbughunter Could somebody give me another hint?
I discovered a subdomain


After enumerating this page i found a page where an api-key is listed (same as @dandyloco mentioned e963…) but this doesn’t seem to be the answer.

I scraped this page and got to another site, but here I am stuck.

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You will have to find another subdomain. Follow the instructions provided above in the exercise

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Thanks, just got it. :man_facepalming:

Cool :sunglasses: