In starting point machine Responder responder not a capture a password

Please help, I already tried the official walkthrough, but everything works there, but I just don’t intercept the password

I’m having similar issues. Responder is not working and Evil-Winrm does not download from Git (I’m using Parrot OS).

"[+] Listening for events…

[!] Error starting TCP server on port 3389, check permissions or other servers running.
[+] Exiting…
I also tried to manually add port 3389 to UFW, which was successful (even though UFW is not running) and received the same error.

Any assistance?

…and yes, Responder does not intercept the password.

I wound up skipping the responder part and used the info from the walkthrough. I found the command to install Evil-WinRM:

gem install evil-winrm

Which successfully installed and worked correctly.