HTB academy login brute forcing sills assesment 2

Hello all I am a total noob here but trying to learn. I am stuck on the HTB academy brute forcing skills assessment 2. Up until this point I was breezing right along but this has got me stumped. I used the username that I got in the last challenge of skills assessment 1 and using this username and a filtered version of rockyou i got the password. This was all going to plan up until this point, but when i put the ip and port into my web browse it wont bring anything up. Just errors no login page of any kind. When i nmap the ip at first I got 3 open ports then my pwnbox timed out so I get a whole new instance with a new target machine and same thing only this time only 2 ports were open. Once again my pwnbox timed out and on my third instance/target machin all ports were filtered and none were open. I have tried to use the username and password that i recovered to ssh into the target machine I have tried all ports open or otherwise that nmap pulled up and nothing is working. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same issue, any progress?