Removed, machine is only a few hours old - Arrexel
Shame :lol:
Removed, machine is only a few hours old - Arrexel
Removed, machine is only a few hours old - Arrexel
ouch XD
burn you all lol
Deep fried cod goes well with TartarSauce.
i can not upload anything, and also can not find were page error404 stored
@dshulman said:
i can not upload anything, and also can not find were page error404 stored
Enumerate more
I think I found the right place to upload my file but every time I upload the file it says “system error”. Can anyone help?
what if I am still stuck on the login page? i guess this is not a bruteforce thingy
@w31rd0 said:
what if I am still stuck on the login page? i guess this is not a bruteforce thingy
On almost any machine or web application (this one, others on HTB, and real-world scenarios), it is often more helpful to think like a lazy sysadmin or sloppy user than it is to bruteforce or try to get fancy.
@valentinelocke said:
@w31rd0 said:
what if I am still stuck on the login page? i guess this is not a bruteforce thingyOn almost any machine or web application (this one, others on HTB, and real-world scenarios), it is often more helpful to think like a lazy sysadmin or sloppy user than it is to bruteforce or try to get fancy.
that is true, but usually some hints are given to make your guess, or get an idea of how to approach. i feel here i am missing something.
hint for upload php file?
@IrfanRizvi said:
yes <— THIS
@3mrgnc3 said:
Does your name related to escalate from Onuma in that strange file name ??
idk what you could possibly mean…