Dev0ops hints

Got root!

It seemed to take me far longer to get a file uploaded than anything else, when it was pointed out that it was capitalisation causing it to be rejected I almost screamed!

Any way what’s done is done and now I too can do ::rootdance::


I have manged to get user.txt and read other files with the payload, but cant run any commands on the box. please help im stuck

Got user.txt and access as user, but stuck on privesc … I may have found something interesting but after 2 hours of searching about it I got nothing, must be something new. Can anyone help and DM ?

Rooted! Learnt some Spoiler Removed - Arrexel along the way :slight_smile: Thanks @lokori and everyone else for the nudges

Rooted finally :D, what a good box btw.
  • hint: think as the developer keeping the things simple (including auth.)

remove this, if this is a spoiler.
DM if anyone is stuck, no problem !

I am the only one who got this error??
sudo: unable to resolve host : Connection timed out
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
tried so many times am I on rabbit hole? please PM me. please please…

You cannot execute sudo in this machine. If you google the error you will see why.

@Akumu said:
You cannot execute sudo in this machine. If you google the error you will see why.

via ssh i tried

Got root ! PM me for any help :wink:

If someone would be so kind as to give a pointer towards root, it would be appreciated

So far I’ve got user, i know how to go “back in time” and I’ve read up on whats being run and the implications

Chances are I’m just over thinking this one…

what is save.p means?? rabbit hole? please PM me.

Finally got priv esc - Time machine is a perfect hint :wink:

PriEsc → for me “rename” was the hint. hope it is not spoiler

Nailed it ! - got root

Thanks to hYTORELD & strolling 33 for the hint - I was close :slight_smile:

Do not overthink this box !

Good box! Thanks @lokori !
Lesson learned from the box is to make sure your commands do what you intended!

Got user finally! That part was nice, like the different kind of exploit than I’ve seen on a few of these. Now to start the battle for root. Thanks for all the help!

This box is great, pushed me to learn things I didn’t know about before! Thanks @lokori

This one (especially privesc) is soo easy if you are dev :wink:

Stuck on Privesc on this one, have an idea but have a question could anyone PM me

Edit –
Nvm got Root was way over complicating things

I got the user flag without a shell.
Can you also get to the root flag without using a shell?