Hi was wondering if anyone else experinces this issue when using pwn box it does not register my ctrl key presses so I cant kill a process running in a teminal window on the pwn box.
ANy one know how to kill a process while a teminal is running in pwn box without the use of the ctrl key?
the Ctrl button is entirely broken in Firefox for Pwnbox. I have cancelled my vip+ due to this. It is not possible to rebind it nor use a virtual keyboard either. Changing layout is the same. Firefox in safemode with factory defaults and no plugins is also broken. Clearly this has been going on for 2 years. I did make a support ticket for this, and the support person said “Use chrome”. No thanks.
Ya pwn box is a nice idea but it far inferior to just using your own vm. Pwnbox is way too slow and laggy unless you have a very good quality fast internet connection and even then its still kinda slow