
Sjoe!!! Where to I start. I finally got ROOT!!!. I wish to say thank you to each and everyone that helped/ nudge or advise me on the box. This was an excellent learning curve. The Motto: Try Harder !!! is so true. Thanks again to everybody’s input

Sjoe!!! Where to I start. I finally got ROOT!!!. I wish to say thank you to each and everyone that helped/ nudge or advise me on the box. This was an excellent learning curve. The Motto: Try Harder !!! is so true. Thanks again to everybody’s input

can anyone help me with the user i have got the w**ai creds but not able to find anything else after that any help would be appreciated

I was able to write the decrypt function, I verified by encrypting a file I created and then decrypting it, however when I try do decrypt the actual file I need to decrypt, I’m just getting a bunch of gibberish. Not sure if I’m not decrypting the right stuff? Any Hints?

@bithoveen said:
I was able to write the decrypt function, I verified by encrypting a file I created and then decrypting it, however when I try do decrypt the actual file I need to decrypt, I’m just getting a bunch of gibberish. Not sure if I’m not decrypting the right stuff? Any Hints?

Assuming the decryption script is right, are you using the right password? read the draft.

Finally rooted! Very interesting box. Learnt a bunch of stuff along the way.
Feel free to PM for a nudge :slight_smile:
Fałcøn#8004 on discord.


Got root!
It was a fun box. Made me learn python crypt libs and sopmething else. :smiley:

Priv esc was the only interesting part of the box.
It’s not as straightforward if you are doing it for the first time.

Root Tip:

  1. Enumerate the place you found user.txt hard.

  2. For the only service you havent been able to get into yet, think how a lazy person generally logs in and exploit it with above.

Folks bashing their heads on the wall over this box, DM.

Hello, I successfully found creating a certain file in the site, but I am straggling how to exploit it. Could someone kindly give me a hint about it?

edit : I am able to view the contents in w-----il however I am not able to move forward… any nudge will help… do I need to use GUI to get more info from *****il…?

Rooted Box :slight_smile:

Initial foothold may take time cause things are easy & staring at your face.
We are just overlooking at it. At every step hint is just on your screen you just have to question everything you see.
Initial shell is kinda new to me but google-fu & burp will surely help you out.
User is easy if you remember things you seen before and require some advance level of breaking skill quite easy but advanced xD.
Root is surely different than other boxes just remember question what you see :slight_smile:

Box is time consuming & not very realistic but you’ll learn lot of new tricks and that’s what matter most :slight_smile:

If you still need a hand PM me
Thanks @sahay


I am able to get RCE, but still no way to get a proper reverse shell. I tried one command that allow me get a shell, but I was not getting responses to any command I entered. Later, I found that commands entered to that shell were sent to the pdf file. Could anyone please give me a hand in this part?


I just don’t get root. I see the thing we use every day. But no idea what to do with it. Is there supposed to be creds?

Hi, can anyone give me a nudge on the next step after decryption? I can’t find the *** service… Thanks!

@Rooted2u said:
Hi, can anyone give me a nudge on the next step after decryption? I can’t find the *** service… Thanks!

you have a path in the decrypted output, service is in front of you

stuck after getting ww* shell . Can anyone give me a hint Thanks :slight_smile:
Edit: Solved :slight_smile:

I am stuck at www shell.Don’t know what to do next.I tried a lot to get user.txt but not successful and also checked all the directories,folders,sub-folders everything but didn’t get user.txt.Its my first ever machine that’s i don’t have any idea how to get user.txt and root.If anyone can teach these new things please pm me.I want to learn new things.

edited:- thanks @clmtn got user.txt but don’t know how to root please teach me anyone.I tried to find something suspicious in hidden folder but didn’t get anything.Please give me any hint what to do next in hidden folder please .

Rooted. I’m interested about your imap approaches! DM me if you’re willing to share. :slight_smile:

any hint ??

i found this “http://./J00_****_f1_****_H3

some idea ?

was missing the //** file

any hint about RCE ?

Could someone give me a hint for the decryption part ?
I tried a lot of things , google search for python code, openssl enc commands but that doesn’t work “bad magic number” or couldn’t execute properly the py file…

solved ! :slight_smile: