
the L******** its not working… :confused: please someone help me… Discord: SuPerCoW#8100

For everyone using automated tools like sqlmap and burp. Do not use these kind of scanners. You only fill the machine with bloat and it does not give you any help whatsoever.

Box rooted this morning… it does not worth at all 30 points!!! I don’t know who is deciding the value of boxes but he/she needs to re-evaluate it. (On my opinion, it worths at least 50 points)

Any way… not to spam the thread with hints already given, I offer my help in private messages.

Hint : I liked Trunk Dragon Ball :slight_smile:

What is the difference between admin and user? Enumerate more and try more, learn from every box.

If you managed to automate the ‘payload sending’ via python please message me… It works in firefox, but curl and/or python requests fails miserably and I want to understand why.

Nice box.

Had some troubles and had to ask for some nudged, but the techniques were completely new to me. So learned at least 3 completely new things on this box.

Was frustrating at start, but overall good versatile box.

Cool box

Thanks to @alez and @bertalting for helping with the login in the admin panel

For user:

  • everybody was talking about it, it wasn’t possible at first but now, maybe that report generator could trigger it

For root:

  • Services
  • 1, 2, 3… GO! *Formula 1 car sound*

really nice box :smile:

I’m going absolutely mad about the admin login. Can anybody nudge me pls?

@targodan said:

I’m going absolutely mad about the admin login. Can anybody nudge me pls?


Can anyone provide a nudge for getting access to the admin control panel? Struggling to make any progress on this one.

@bertalting told an interesting hint for the foothold ! thank you

The get admin is necessary a trunk.

Giving up

Just Rooted. Great box. Initial foothold was hard and was something new for me. This zaBogdan hint is what put me on the track for that first part. Did’nt have a clue at first.

The rest is more ‘classic’, but great fun and challenging.
The root part was new for me too, but easy to spot and exploit after some googling.

Thx @MrR3boot

@zaBogdan said:

A little nudge on the foothold.
Sometimes, after a limit, it doesn’t matter what characters are.

Got to the admin portal and signed in easy enough. Know what kind the exploit is, just can’t pull it off. This box is going to be a great learner for me, can anyone give me a nudge, or a pointer to a good Book ( sorry for the pun ) to read, the type of exploit is something I need to practice more. But for some sick reason I’m really enjoying it still. Just a gentle nudge would be a appreciated.

HI! Someone have a nudge about the next step after the admin panel? Really stucked to perform what I think. I’ll be glad if someone can pm me about that. It really turns me mad.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get a PDF file to show content which is longer than the page seems to allow?

Edit - NVM

NVM - I was using an unsupported argument.

@Girbons said:
@targodan said:

I’m going absolutely mad about the admin login. Can anybody nudge me pls?


Sad, but same.