I have done all the steps described, but when I create a file in the “Documents folder” the user is not added.
can you helpme? i’m stuck
I have done all the steps described, but when I create a file in the “Documents folder” the user is not added.
can you helpme? i’m stuck
When you create the .bat file does it show in the folder as a batch file or a text document? I was still saving mine as a .txt file and that was my issue.
I’m stuck on the evil-winrm step where I am not able to authenticate with backupadm/cracked pass that was correct flag. Wanted to check with the group if this is expected and we should look for another path than what is exactly in the lesson or if “proxychains evil-winrm -i -u backupadm” should work with that credential.
I was using the wrong password for backupadm.
Even after more than 20 minutes, the hash is not displayed.
PS C:\Users\ilfserveradm\Documents>Import-Module .\Inveigh.ps1
PS C:\Users\ilfserveradm\Documents>Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Y -FileOutput Y
WARNING: [!] Run Stop-Inveigh to stop
[*] Press any key to stop console output......
The same goes for inveigh.exe.
Nvm, After adding it to the local administrators, I needed to log out once.
shutdown /l