Any hint for not_art

Type your comment> @mdaliakbar98 said:

Can anyone give me some hint :cry:

Alright got the 3 now im stuck again haha

I really stuck with the final part T_T what can i do with the shape of the image huhu

Base is a starting point then you smootly will see another step

What a ride! Not only did I learn how to count with only three fingers - I also learned how to write Python! Masterful challenge - fair, not too obscure and very entertaining. Thanks @bbz0r for the challenge and @deleite for the tip.

somebody will help nudge for me? stuck here

can someone give me a nudge , I got the base and shape of image hint , but cant figure out what to do with the data I obtained

for some reason I spent ages trying to munge things into binary, had to take a rest from it until I realised it was worth converting to decimal at which point it all clicked :blush:

I need some help, IC htb and words like uppercase but the stuff in the middle never makes sense and I have tried like 20 versions of the flag with no luck and even spent several hours manually decoding on cyberchef

OK, I am new to this all and tried to decode the png file online but failed. PIL does not work on my kali box as I get no module found and installing it says it is already on my box. If anyone wants to help me out send me a PM.