
■■■■ please someone give me a nudge, I have a lot of creds and nowhere to use it

Type your comment> @wazKoo said:

hmm a****_****s.**p appears to be rabbit hole

totally rabbit hole :slight_smile:

So no one’s gonna talk about The Big Bang Theory references?

This box is making me feel real dumb…ranked ‘easy’ and I can’t even see what’s in the ‘forbidden’ directory lol. Any nudge would be extremely appreciated.

Time to master Dirbuster?

need a little nudge please i well be appreciated


Very nice box with various techniques

Pm me when you need a little nudge

Looks OK, got user. Going for root now so let me know if you’re stuck in your preliminary phase.

Any hints for foothold? I get stuck, I tried to use dirbuster, basically except the in**x.p and those javsct, everything I found is just 403. And other protocols don’t look like having any use in the foothold.

If you do nikto/nmap you would’ve noticed an interesting file you can read to start your scavenger hunt.

initial foothold reminds me a whole lot of the lessons some of us learned in @VbScrub 's nest, just because you can’t go into something doesn’t mean you cant enumerate it

much respect to to the author.

I found a file ro*.t in both np and nto scan, it seems interesting, it shows an interesting folder which gives 403 and a w*** name which look like a user. Is this the correct path? Or am I in a rabbit hole?

Okay, dirb, dirbuster, wfuzz, gobuster, everything timeouts frequently. Think that the a****-d** is the way to go but can’t use any tools to enumerate it! Any help would be appreciated.

Anyone got any hints for privilege escalation to root here? Feel like I’m so close to beating this box now…

Type your comment> @thomsd said:

Anyone got any hints for privilege escalation to root here? Feel like I’m so close to beating this box now…


I’m unable to find login page lol
Enumerated secret dir wth diferent program but anything showing up…
Only got the two text files with creds and found some interesting things in the ftp service

Feel like i’m missing something very stupid
If someone can PM for a hint

root@admirer:~# ifconfig | fgrep 10. | awk '{print $2}'&&whoami root

user: fuzz, and fuzz, and again fuzz, sometime a letter in a word could make the difference
root: use some privileged command to do what you want

for nudges ONLY on discord calipendula#1089
please don’t ask solutions but little hints

Type your comment

When dirb and gobuster stop working ffuf comes to the rescue.

Rooted! I really enjoyed this box. Found a lot of rabbit holes but was reminded by the ‘easy’ level of this box that I was thinking way to complex with t*****s etc. Thank you @calipendula for helping me with the optional ‘flag’ I was missing.